Wellness Visits: The First Step Toward Good Health

Keeping your pets healthy, happy, and active throughout their lives requires much more than vaccines. Annual, comprehensive wellness appointments, during which we can thoroughly discuss your pet’s physical and behavioral well-being, can make a real difference in how long your pet stays healthy.

Annual Exams

At Cumming Veterinary Clinic, our wellness visits include a complete physical examination, appropriate vaccines and parasite prevention, diagnostic screenings (if necessary), and conversations regarding your pet's nutrition, oral hygiene, weight management, and behavior. Our appointments are interactive—we want you to share your questions and concerns with us so that we can be partners in your pet’s care. You will leave our clinic feeling as if you've just had a nose-to-tail conversation about your pet.

Personalized Prevention

Pets are individuals with their own risk factors for diseases and other health conditions. We follow the minimum vaccination protocols recommended by AAHA® so that we’re not over-vaccinating. We will consider your pet's breed, age, lifestyle, and other risk factors when suggesting the vaccines and parasite prevention that we feel are necessary for your pet.

Early Detection

Ultimately, the goal of routine wellness exams coupled with risk-appropriate diagnostics (which might include bloodwork, urinalysis, or fecal tests) is to detect diseases and chronic health conditions early on when our pets are more likely to respond favorably to treatment. Through proper prevention and early detection, we can ward off (or mitigate) many disease processes, which will actually save money in the long run and ensure that your pet will enjoy an optimal quality of life.